Sunday, 21 September 2014

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

The cinema 4d tutorial

 Yesterday the class got a tutorial in Cinema 4d, we learn the basic tools on the interface and then moved on to learn about textures and render settings. Firstly we looked at learning the basic tools in C4D we were told to put in a basic square and use the rotation tool and move the square around.

After that we learned how to navigate around what your creating with the control tools that are found in the top right hand section, keyboard shortcuts for these tools are the number 1, 2 and 3 keys.

We then took the skills we have learned and started a simple exercise with three spheres and using simple textures with reflections.

We made are own textures and learned what settings and what certain tools do.

After that we used the sky tool it insert a a sky which will give the spheres an reflection.

Then we looked at render settings for the best finish.

Monday, 15 September 2014

This weeks plan


C4D tutorial

Update blog


Design CV 

Start personal statement

update blog

Rest of the week

Portfolio work

University course research


Friday, 12 September 2014

About Me

My name is Reuben Adam Foster I'm a second year student in animation, games and interface design at newcastle college. I spend a lot of my free time playing video games and also designing things such as youtube banners and twitter headers for friends, this has helped me quite a lot with college work because i use Photoshop CC and while designing these things my knowledge of photoshop increases. I am looking in the future to get a career in web design or animation as these two subjects interest me. I share my designs through a online portfolio --->

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Looking for inspiration.

Today i was looking for pictures of creative CV's to get some inspiration when making my own. I looked at a wide range of designs with all different fonts and styles an i have saved a few for reference when designing my personal CV.